Flowchart Matriks Modular Pemrograman Struktur Data

Hi there! I'm a Software Developer & System Analyst based on Yogyakarta. Feel free to leave a message on next form or via email nikyayulestari@gmail.com. See you there!
Hi there! I'm a Software Developer & System Analyst based on Yogyakarta. Feel free to leave a message on next form or via email nikyayulestari@gmail.com. See you there!
Niky Ayu Lestari
I'm a Software Developer & System Analyst based on Jakarta. I come from easternmost region of Indonesia named Papua. I'm Javanese. Study at Informatics of Islamic University of Indonesia.
Extremely motivated to constantly develop my skills and grow professionally for knowledge and technology. Feel free to leave a message on next form or follow me on social media. See you there!